Ellie Newborn Lifestyle Sneak Peek

I was so happy to get to see this wonderful couple again and to meet their sweet baby girl, Ellie. This little girl was the cutest and even though most of our session she was showing us her beautiful little eyes, she did get worn out by all the attention and eventually fell asleep. Hannah and Matt have such a sweet baby girl and i just loved hearing her little nosies each time we posed her. Matt and Hannah I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek of your session.

Newborn Photo
dad and newborn
Mom and Dad holding newborn
Mother and Newborn
family newborn
Source: http://www.brittanyrenephoto.com/blog-1/20...

Magnolia Newborn Sneak Peek

I love taking pictures of sweet little babies, but this little girl was extra special. This is Magnolia Lynn and she is my sweet niece. She was born on December 26th and we were very excited to go meet her! We traveled up to Indiana and got to finally hold her. She is so tiny and made you fall in love with her instantly. Her session was so fun and we also had the help from my little girl who was completely in love with her new little cousin. Their golden retriever also wanted to get in on the photo session fun and show Magnolia some love. I cannot wait to watch her grow. I hope you love this little sneak peek!

Newborn Session
Newborn in basket
Newborn Sleeping
Lifestyle Newborn Session
Newborn Session with Dog

Source: http://www.brittanyrenephoto.com/blog-1/20...